Nina Pedersen is a voice teacher specialized in jazz, with over 30 years of experience.
Former professor at "The Saint Louis College of Music" in Rome, where she worked as a vocal jazz teacher for more than 15 years,
Nina offers a wide variety of lessons, workshops and masterclasses for different groups of singers; from beginners and amateurs to advanced and professional levels. She's been working with singers in Norway, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Finland and Lithuania.
Our singing voice is a unique instrument with unique possibilities.
It tells us who we are, what we are, and where we are in our lifes.
With the singing voice as a means of communication, we can reach
where the speaking voice cannot. As H.C. Andersen said:
"Where words fail, music speaks"
Singing is more than singing, and the list of elements that are set in
motion every time we sing, is long.
At every JazzLab we train our ears and our sense of rhythm, we improve our technical skills and learn how to give the correct support to our voices.
We also have a deep dive into the lyrics, how to interpret them and express ourselves through dynamics, melodic variations, improvisation and sound.
Don't let the word"Jazz"scare you away!
We use this musical expression as a starting point, a method.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a goal in itself.
Jazz as a form of expression has a huge variety of components, it
embraces all aspects of music, and it offers a handy and well-equipped toolbox for use in any other musical genre or style.
The “JazzLab" is the place for those who want to learn more
about their own voices, understand it better and improve it, whether singing in a choir, in a band, or in the shower.
Maybe no one has ever heard your singing voice, or perhaps you
have sung a lot, but are in need of some inspiration and inputs on
how to move forward.
The "JazzLab” meets you where you are.
We work both in groups and individually, and all levels are welcome!