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Leave Me HereArtist Name
00:00 / 01:42
Shaky WatersArtist Name
00:00 / 00:59
SunflowerArtist Name
00:00 / 01:14

Time Is A Restless Thief




Nina Pedersen-voice, lyrics and compositions

Pierpaolo Principato-piano and rhodes

Marco Loddo-doublebass

Giampaolo Scatozza-drums and electronics


Paolo Innarella-flute and saxophones

Leonardo Spinedi-1.violin

Fabiola Gaudio-2.violin

Morian Taddei-viola

Emilia Slugocka-cello

Marco Tiso-string arrangments

"We chase it, we hate it, we accuse it for going too fast or too slow.
Sometimes we think there’s too much of it.
Most of the time we blame it for not being sufficient.
Time. I’ve been thinking a lot about Time lately.
A glance in the mirror and there it is; it has marked my face, infiltrated my skin and traced its
indelible signs, like annual rings of a tree.
We become the time we’ve spent, it shapes us like precious diamonds.
During this particular period though, it seems as if the Time has ceased, as if it is exhausted
and tired of running and has decided to rest for a while.
So here we are, standing on the sidelines, observing it, imploring generosity, waiting for what
it has in store, hoping it will solve everything.

«Time Is A Restless Thief» was written long before the world changed and Time broke into
our lives and stole our future and is dedicated to all those whose dreams were much too brief." 

Nina Pedersen. September 2020

Eyes Wide OpenArtist Name
00:00 / 01:11
Granny's WaltzArtist Name
00:00 / 00:58
Now I'm HereArtist Name
00:00 / 00:50

Eyes Wide Open


Nina Pedersen-voice, lyrics and compositions

Pierpaolo Principato- piano and rhodes

Marco Loddo-doublebass

Giampaolo Scatozza-drums and electronics


Paolo Innarella-saxophones

Aldo Bassi-trumpet

"The original songs are all beautifully woven by their author, with superb 

melodic themes and intelligent lyrics. They are all standard quality and the 

album flows smoothly from start to finish like a collection of well known tunes, 

which of course is a rare quality.

Pedersen has a wonderfully mature, dark and enticing voice, in some respects 

similar to that of Karin Krog herself, who wrote a short comment for the album's 

liner notes, with which I agree completely.

This is one of those albums, which do not try to be spectacular even for a 

moment, but deliver exactly what is appropriate within its scope: 

wonderful songs and perfect execution, full of heartfelt emotion, honesty 

and great taste, creating a first class aesthetic experience. 

Very well done!"

                                                Adam Baruch.

                                        The Sountrack of my life.

The Moon And IArtist Name
00:00 / 01:50
Veien HjemArtist Name
00:00 / 01:57
Words UnspokenArtist Name
00:00 / 01:51

So Far So Good


Nina Pedersen-voice, lyrics and compositions

Pierpaolo Principato-piano

Marco Loddo-doublebass

Alessandro Marzi-drums


Nicola Stilo-flute

Luca Aquino-trumpet and flugelhorn

Alessandro Tedesco-trombone

"After more than 20 years as an expat in Rome, Nina Pedersen releases her first album in her homecountry with the Norwegian label "Sweet Morning Music" 

owned by Hilde Louise Asbjørnsen. 

Pedersen tells us where she is in life right now, and she does so in a very 

elegant and melodic way. "So Far So Good" is a good, warm meeting with a 

mature and confident vocalist who knows what she wants and where she 

wants to go"

                                                                                      Tor Hammerø, Tor de Jazz


Cover Cd Nina Pedersen Faronet.jpg
Songen Hennar MagnillArtist Name
00:00 / 01:57
Eg Ser Deg Utfor GluggenArtist Name
00:00 / 01:57

Songs From The Top Of The World


Nina Pedersen-voice

Lutte Berg-guitar

Luca Pirozzi-doublebass

Arnaldo Vacca-percussions

Aldo Bassi-trumpet

Carlo Cossu-violin

“I left Norway 20 years ago, and I have since made Italy my second home. Despite this, I am still 

to all effects a stranger wherever I go. I feel Norwegian when I'm in Italy, and I feel Italian when 

I'm in Norway. I do not speak either language perfectly, since after 20 years of living in another 

country even your mother tongue is no longer your first language, and my foreign accent still 

persists when I speak Italian...

But my roots are still decidedly Norwegian. Those will never change, and the more the years pass 

by, the more one’s roots go into the depths of the earth. Whereas twenty years ago I was ready to 

burn my bridges and leave everything behind me, today I feel a strong need to dig into the ground

and find those roots that are so deep, and that is exactly what I did while making this record.

“Songs from the Top of the World” is a nostalgic dip into the past from a present that is full of 

melancholy. It is a musical journey into hidden places, a journey through the four seasons into a 

land where nature reigns supreme; an overwhelming, mystic, omnipotent, fairy-tale kind of nature

that is so terribly beautiful that it leaves you breathless; as well as a pure and humble nature that 

welcomes you with open arms and at the same time makes you feel lonely and insignificant. 

This is the Nature with a capital N that every Norwegian always carries in his or her heart,
with great pride, as well as it’s music.

Norwegian folk music often reflects this great pride and it describes the country from the south to 

the north through its hard climate, its people and its animals that are used to living with it, as well 

as struggling against it. This album contains the melodies, lyrics and songs that were part of my 

childhood, in addition to some new tunes that I discovered as I grew up.

Almost all of the arrangements of the songs sprang up spontaneously, through using our 

imagination and improvising freely. The result is a brand-new sound and a new attire for an “old” 

repertoire, which is part of a great tradition.”

                                                                                           Nina Pedersen 2011

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